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> 广州找家教 > 18229号教员
教员编号: 18229 头像: W教员
姓名: W教员
出生年份: 200X 高校: university of washington
学历: 本科在读 海外留学归国人员
专业: 哲学 住址: 番禺区
最近登陆时间: 21-07-22 20:15:01 认证情况: 已通过审核
注册时间:21-07-22 20:14:45

支持网络教学 预约该教员 购买课程有优惠 收藏

预约中心电话:400-6789-353 (工作时间:9:00-20:00)(电话预约时,请提供此教员的编号:18229

2020 7 NHSDLC shanghai autumn open tournament finalist
2021 British Parliamentary Debate club
2021 2 NHSDLC beijing winter Harvard Stanford open division
2021 2 NHSCLC online1 debater
2021 3.37-28 NHSDLC suzhou final
2021 4.10-11 NHSDLC beijing Eighth speaker
2021.4.10-11 NHSDLC beijing quater
2021.5.28-29 NHSDLC guangzhou online quater
2021.5.28-29 NHSDLC guangzhou Eighth speaker
2021 NHSDLC spring fourth speaker
On March 16, 2015, I passed the Latin dance bronze medal examination.
On February 15, 2016, I passed the Latin dance silver level examination.
On February 15, 2016, I passed the Latin Dance Gold Medal examination.
On February 24, 2017, I passed the Latin Dance Gold Star Level 1 examination with excellent performance.
On February 24, 2017, I passed the Latin Dance Gold Star Second-level examination with good performance.
On February 24, 2017, She passed the ballroom dance bronze medal examination.
On February 24, 2017, I passed the Ballroom Dance Silver level examination with good performance.
In 2017, won the first Place of Latin dance in the second Round of International Amateur Women‘s Singles Group B in the 15th WDC International Standard World Open and the 3rd IDTA Junior World Open.
First prize of Latin Dance in 2017 Poly CBDF China Cup Final Amateur Women‘s Singles Level Competition.
Fifth place of Latin Dance in amateur Women‘s Singles Second Place in 2017 Poly CBDF China Cup Final.
The first prize of Modern Dance in 2017 Poly CBDF China Cup Final Amateur Women‘s Single Level Competition.
可授课区域: 越秀区,黄埔区,番禺区 可辅导方式: 本人上门,网上辅导,
详细描述: 无要求
所获证书: 2020 7 NHSDLC shanghai autumn open tournament finalist
2021 British Parliamentary Debate club
2021 2 NHSDLC beijing winter Harvard Stanford open division
2021 2 NHSCLC online1 debater
2021 3.37-28 NHSDLC suzhou final
2021 4.10-11 NHSDLC beijing Eighth speaker
2021.4.10-11 NHSDLC beijing quater
2021.5.28-29 NHSDLC guangzhou online quater
2021.5.28-29 NHSDLC guangzhou Eighth speaker
2021 NHSDLC spring fourth speaker
On March 16, 2015, I passed the Latin dance bronze medal examination.
On February 15, 2016, I passed the Latin dance silver level examination.
On February 15, 2016, I passed the Latin Dance Gold Medal examination.
On February 24, 2017, I passed the Latin Dance Gold Star Level 1 examination with excellent performance.
On February 24, 2017, I passed the Latin Dance Gold Star Second-level examination with good performance.
On February 24, 2017, She passed the ballroom dance bronze medal examination.
On February 24, 2017, I passed the Ballroom Dance Silver level examination with good performance.
In 2017, won the first Place of Latin dance in the second Round of International Amateur Women‘s Singles Group B in the 15th WDC International Standard World Open and the 3rd IDTA Junior World Open.
First prize of Latin Dance in 2017 Poly CBDF China Cup Final Amateur Women‘s Singles Level Competition.
Fifth place of Latin Dance in amateur Women‘s Singles Second Place in 2017 Poly CBDF China Cup Final.
The first prize of Modern Dance in 2017 Poly CBDF China Cup Final Amateur Women‘s Single Level Competition.
薪水要求: 托福,SSAT,AP, debate, public speaking 500/h TOEFEL junior 450/h piano, latin 200/h English 300/h 查看易教网薪水标准
可教授科目: 小学英文版教材, 小学英语, 托福, 钢琴, 拉丁舞, TOEFL Junior, SSAT, AP*Exam, 演讲,


  1. 姓名高校专业学历时间
  2. 吴教员 华南理工大学 化学本科在读04-05
  3. 李教员 中山大学 公共管理本科在读07-13
  4. 张教员 中山大学 会计学本科在读12-26
  5. 丁教员 广西师范大学 应用经济学研究生在读01-12
  6. 潘教员 华南农业大学 生物技术本科在读02-24
  7. 叶教员 华南农业大学 食品科学与工程本科在读02-24
  8. 祝教员 广州大学 生物制药本科在读03-05
  9. 黄教员 广州大学 新闻与传播学院本科在读03-24
  10. 王教员 广东财经大学 人文地理与城乡规划本科在读03-28
  11. 林教员 广东财经大学 人力资源管理本科在读03-30


  1. 李教员 桂林理工大学 旅游管理
  2. 邓老师 尚无职称等级 物理
  3. 王教员 华南农业大学 应用经济学
  4. 张教员 广州航海学院 国际商务
  5. 赵教员 华南农业大学 植物保护
  6. 戈教员 广州体育学院 运动训练
  7. 付教员 中山大学 应用心理学
  8. 洪教员 中山大学 应用心理学 学前教育
  9. 张教员 广东技术师范大学 音乐学师范
  10. 王教员 华南农业大学 电子信息
推荐科目: 广州小提琴辅导 广州古筝培训 广州篮球辅导 广州书法培训 广州数学辅导 广州语文辅导 广州英语辅导 广州物理辅导 广州围棋辅导 广州化学辅导 广州舞蹈培训 广州钢琴培训 广州美术培训 广州体育培训 广州生物辅导 广州小学辅导 广州初中辅导 广州高中辅导 广州大学生家教 广州家教补习 广州一对一辅导
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