自我描述特长展示:I am passion for both written words and teaching, uses this passion to connect students to the material. Possesses good presentation and communication skills that ensure students learn the material presented as well as they can.To obtain a position as an English school teacher in which strong dedication to the total development of children I am motivated to work with anyone and fully utilize my communication and teaching skills.Good communicator – Mature, patient, responsible and positive attitude.Approachable – Good listening skills.Passionate and energetic.Planning and organizational skills.Instructed students in English language arts, including writing, reading comprehension, speaking, listening and understanding.马来西亚吉隆坡华侨,会说普通话,粤语,客家,马来语,英语。曾经在马来西亚做家教,每班课有5-10名学生,7岁-12岁,教英语。
所获证书: 暂无
薪水要求: 执行易教家教网薪水标准。 查看易教网薪水标准
可教授科目: 学龄前课程, 幼儿陪读, 小学英语, 小学英文版教材, 初一初二英语, 初三英语, 初中文科英文版, 初级英语口语, 初级新概念英语, 初级牛津英语, 初级剑桥英语, 精准英语语音, 国际交流英语, 外贸英语, 旅游英语, 马来语,